Here are a lot of books about The Beatles sure to keep you turning page after page. Included is;
- The Beatles In America Poster Book by Mark Hayward, Sterling Publishing, 2013, 48 p, softback. The book is in very good condition.
-John, Paul, George, & Ringo The Definitive Illustrated Chronicle of The Beatles, 1960-1970, by Tim Hill, Atlantic Publishing, 2008,448 p, Hardback with dust cover. The book is in very good condition.
- The Beatles Unseen Archives by Tim Hill and Marie Clayton, Parragon Publishing, 2002, 384 p, Hardback with dust cover. The book is in very good condition.
- Ticket To Ride by Larry Kane, Autographed by the author, includes an unopened CD containing the author's interviews with The Beatles. Penguin Books, 2003, 242 p, softback. The book is in good condition.
- Shout! The Beatles in their Generation, by Philip Norman, MJF Books, 1981, 415 p, Hardback with dust cover. The book is in very good condition.
- The Beatles London by Peit Schreuders, Mark Lewishon, & Adam Smith, Portico Books, 1994, 2320p, softback. The book is in very good condition.
- The Lost Lennon Interviews by Geoffrey and Brenda Giuliano, Adams Media Corp, 1996, 262 p, softback. The book is in very good condition.